About Us

Our organization is unique in that, rather than focusing on research for the future, we work to help paralyzed people in the present, to achieve the highest quality of life possible with the best tools and treatments available today.
We were founded in 2018 by Rob Heitz, a recovered quadriplegic, with the purpose and goal of assisting paralyzed persons to receive the most complete rehabilitation therapy potentially available to them, even when insurance coverage has run out.

- Rob Heitz, Founder
rob's story
In 2003, Rob suffered a spinal cord injury in a diving accident which left him almost completely quadriplegic from the chest down. After years of the highest quality therapy in hospitals, clinics, and at home, he was fortunate enough to recover to almost full function.
This experience inspired Rob to obtain a degree in Biomedical Engineering and achieve a career with one of the leading rehabilitation robotic exoskeleton companies in the world. During his time traveling the country visiting clinics treating people with paralysis, he recognized that there are thousands of people going through an experience like his who will never have access to the duration or quality of therapy which helped him to recover.
Rob is not the only person to recognize this need. In fact, there are several non-profit clinics that have been started by fellow recovered disabled individuals. These clinics strive to offer skilled, affordable therapy to those in need. Unfortunately, this makes it very difficult for the clinics to survive and offer the best treatment possible.
This is where the Paralysis Recovery Foundation comes in. We help support these clinics so they can continue the outstanding work they do, and help to create an environment where more clinics can open to extend availability throughout the country.
Our Mission
We believe that anyone suffering from paralysis who has the will to work to improve their quality of life should have the opportunity to do so.
With your help, the Paralysis Recovery Foundation provides a way. We provide support to 501(c)(3) non-profit clinics around the country to enable them to offer affordable, skilled therapy to individuals suffering from paralysis.

Our Vision
We strive to remove the barriers that limit paralyzed people from restoring their lives, regaining their independence, and enjoying all of the activities that make life great!
Our Commitment
We will work tirelessly to bring together individuals and communities throughout the country and will not rest until every person in need of treatment can receive the care they need!