Alcatraz Swim Hotel
We have negotiated a 20% discount at the Argonaut Hotel, steps from the boat departure at Hyde Street Pier. Discount is automatically applied via the "book now" link above. The room block is reserved for check-in Thursday, check-out Sunday. You can extend into Wednesday or Monday by contacting and mentioning that you are with the Paralysis Foundation group.
- Other Information -
Argonaut Hotel
495 Jefferson St, San Francisco, CA 94109
Rideshare / Taxi from airport is recommended. Exploring the city by cable car is a San Francisco treat! A lot can also be reached by foot or by Lime Scooter. There are car rental agencies right around the corner from the Argonaut if you plan to travel outside of the city after the event.
$75/day: in-and-out privileges
$65/day: no in-and-out